And what, pray tell, is the provenance of Fashion Tips For Tuesday?
I have been blessed with a partner who is as skilled with needle and thread as any one of a number of virtuoso musicians I call friends, are with their instruments. Over the years I have had the good fortune to have received the fruits of such a skill set many times over. Shirts, pants, aprons, hat and jacket rebuilds, ties and more. It occurred to me that such sartorial bounty, along with a collection of other interesting outfits and accessories, might be fun to present on a regular basis. Hence, Fashion Tips For Tuesday, a weekly walk in park now over 370 Episodes along .
Since the beginning, we have found a cornucopia of clothing both at home and out and about, on tour in the countryside. Formal, functional or fanciful, it’s remarkable what one can find, and what fine vestments have been custom made. Click the links for the latest episodes, or if you are really looking for a rabbit hole, click the link below and you can tip toe through every episode right from the beginning…
And remember… Good things happen when you dress your best!
To see all of the Fashion Tips For Tuesday albums visit Magoo’s Facebook page.